Code of Conduct

What is this community really about?

TheMednet has grown considerably with over 10,000 medical and radiation oncologists now on board! We are proud to be part of a professional community where experts show their intellectual generosity, members are respectful and kind, and everyone is obsessively focused on delivering the best care to patients. We decided to codify that culture into an official Code of Conduct.

We have 3 simple ground rules:

  • Be helpful. theMednet is a place where we can learn from each other to better take care of our patients. A good general rule before posting is to ask yourself: “Will my question, comment, or answer directly benefit this community?” We do not permit case-based questions because answers to cases tend to be helpful to the question-asker only, rather than to the community as a whole.
  • Be kind. We all have some knowledge gaps and it takes a lot to be vulnerable next to your peers and expose your gaps. If you don’t agree with someone’s viewpoint, express your disagreement in a way that is respectful. That is how we learn. “Calling out” members of the community or practices/institutions will not be tolerated.
  • Be open-minded. There are many areas where there is no good evidence-based information to guide decisions. Be open-minded to new solutions. If you feel that certain posts may spread misinformation or be harmful to patients, please contact us right away.

Thank you to everyone for nurturing this helpful and kind culture, without which theMednet would not be the amazing community it is today.